4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-18   13th. May 2012

In this Issue:

  1. World Telecommunications Day – AX prefix can be used.
  2. Lecture Night this coming Friday – Yagi antenna design from Victor VK2BTV.
  3. Learn about the club’s new linear amplifier.

1. World Telecommunications Day – AX prefix can be used.

It’s not long since ANZAC day but we’re already at the next opportunity to change our call signs from VK to AX for the day. The next opportunity will be Australia Day 2013, so why not go on the air using your AX call sign this coming Thursday? No special application to the ACMA is required, they have authorised this change for those who wish to, on three days each year – Australia, ANZAC and World Telecommunications day. Simply change the VK in your callsign to AX, for example VK2ARE becomes AX2ARE.

2. Lecture Night – Friday – Yagi antenna design from Victor VK2BTV.

Following Victor’s coverage area check for the VK2RTG repeater last weekend, several members are considering building 70cm antennas to be able to receive the regular test transmissions on Monday and Tuesday evenings (from 19:30), so it is advantageous that Victor, VK2BTV was already booked in by Karen, VK2AKB (CCARC Lecture coordinator) to give the club a lecture on Yagi Antenna design, this coming Friday (18th. May). Come early to get a good parking and seating spot, this lecture promises to be well attended.

3. Learn how to operate the clubs new kilowatt linear amplifier.

The clubs linear amplifier may only be operated by those who have undergone training on the correct way to tune it. This is essential if this expensive piece of equipment is not to be damaged. So please contact Chris VK2YY, Jim VK2LC or myself Ed VK2ARE to take the 5 minute training session. Reminder instructions are on the wall above the HF station operating position for use after the training.

Please also note that those without an Advanced licence can only operate the station at the increased power with a club member holding an Advanced call sign in direct attendance, with the station legally operating under their control and responsibility.

CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar.

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