4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

CCARC Show and Tell – 27.05.2023

CCARC Show and Tell – 27.05.2023

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club had yet another successful show and tell at our clubrooms on Saturday the 27th May. We had a good roll-up of both members and visitors. This event wasn’t themed so had a good variety of interesting stuff.

Ryan kicked the day off with a live presentation of what SDR radios can do. He had a Hack RF SDR modified by the addition of a TXCO for increased stability and frequency accuracy. A small antenna was pulling in strong signals including some nearby interference. The SDR was easily able to lock onto the GRN and with the use of SDR trunk software was able to decode the control channel and various user traffic channels. The waterfall display clearly showed the various signals.

Ryan reported that a cheap RTL dongle can be had for $30 approximately and with the addition of readily available software, most digital transmissions including pagers can be decoded. A $30 SDR can take the place of an $800 scanner. Very impressive to see what Ryan has achieved.

Glen demonstrated two very different classic CB sets from the same year. One was more classical styling whilst the other was more space age in appearance with rounded corners. Glen had restored this unit from the grave by replacing the burnt transformer, adding a heatsink to overcome a heat issue and re-capping it. The power supply and speaker lived in a base unit that cradled the rig with a companion frequency display on top rounding out the full setup. All told something very unique from a period of rapid innovation in radio design.

Ryan kindly followed with a display of photos and commentary of the “Micro DXpedition” from Girrakool to Wondabyne that Graham VK2GRA and Ryan VK2FRTS did mid-week. Ryan’s photos were very well done – especially the panorama looking west from mount Kariong. Details of this 11KM trek are on the club’s website and Facebook page.

Graham was next up with a display of some “Outback” style radios. First was a small yellow AWA TR105 HF and 5 watts USB that runs off “D” cells. Next was a classic Codan 6924 “lunchbox” HF rig. This one is 20 watts USB for use with a car battery. A Codan 8528 land mobile 100watt radio showed the advancement of technology. A Brisbane manufactured “Scout” HF rig with built in antenna tuner was last up.

Thanks to all those who “Showed and Told” and to those who came along.
Regards – Graham VK2GRA

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